In 2016, Mr. Trump floated the idea of defaulting on US debt, or negotiating its terms. Sounded outrageous to some at the time. Now, with the BRICs org meeting to de-dollarize their trade arrangements, might be a ripe time to make such a move.
Might he dissolve the corporation, and file bankruptcy to get us out from under the trillions in debt?
Some of these people — Garland, Mayorkas, Fauci, Brennan, and Wray, for examples — really do need to do some ‘splainin’ in front of juries. That may be sufficient to clarify for history some of the damage the Woke insanity did to our country.
In my mind it's not sufficient - I hope it's more than just that! Regardless, we're going to need more popcorn.
Kunstler is quoting Samuel Johnson, a notable English eighteenth century writer.
Might he dissolve the corporation, and file bankruptcy to get us out from under the trillions in debt?
In my mind it's not sufficient - I hope it's more than just that! Regardless, we're going to need more popcorn.