Hollywood is like a vampire. They make it look cool and hip. The reality is, vampires are dead things, cold to the touch. Dead, the only semblance to life it the devouring of life around it. Look at how beautiful and vivacious she was then the bloodsuckers gathered around her. Drinking her beauty and devouring her youth. I am surprised she lived to get away. Think of all the child stars and how weird they acted. Think, why do they fall apart? Vampires, and not the " cool" kind. No, just the dead Jewish things feeding on the blood of innocents.
Hollywood is like a vampire. They make it look cool and hip. The reality is, vampires are dead things, cold to the touch. Dead, the only semblance to life it the devouring of life around it. Look at how beautiful and vivacious she was then the bloodsuckers gathered around her. Drinking her beauty and devouring her youth. I am surprised she lived to get away. Think of all the child stars and how weird they acted. Think, why do they fall apart? Vampires, and not the " cool" kind. No, just the dead Jewish things feeding on the blood of innocents.