In 2013 Fla spent 60 million on their new Unemployment Site where you input your required information. Not only did it look Craigslist quality, it didn't have input spots for some of the REQUIRED information.
Pay Buddy an exorbitant amount in a sweetheart contract. He sends you whatever the agreed-upon kickback hires the dregs of the programming community to write the code, and doesn't keep communication open to make sure it is actually usable, but hey he pocketed 55M after expenses.
Obamacare website cost Billions and didn't work.
In 2013 Fla spent 60 million on their new Unemployment Site where you input your required information. Not only did it look Craigslist quality, it didn't have input spots for some of the REQUIRED information.
Pay Buddy an exorbitant amount in a sweetheart contract. He sends you whatever the agreed-upon kickback hires the dregs of the programming community to write the code, and doesn't keep communication open to make sure it is actually usable, but hey he pocketed 55M after expenses.