posted ago by JohnTitor17 ago by JohnTitor17 +32 / -3

I've seen some of my friends here complain, on post that I myself have made, that down votes should not be anonymous. I respectfully disagree.

#1 Candid opinions are the most valuable. And the most candid are done anonymously.

#2 With most of the topics I choose to write about, I don't feel I did a good enough job if I don't get at least a small percentage of down votes. No progress or learning happens in an echo chamber of 100% agreement.

#3 It is appreciated if, on some topics, your down vote is accompanied by a thoughtful rebuttal.
"That just can't be true" β‰  thoughtful rebuttal.

On another note:
Some super smart people can come off as really stupid with some of the opinions they hold a la never Trumper's etc. I submit to you that open mindedness is a key that allows you to utilize your intelligence to its fullest potential. Think about it.

If you don't know how to down-vote this post let me help…
Click the bars at the top left.
Click settings.
Set "community styling" to "off".
Click "SAVE" at the bottom.

I can teach you how to down vote, but nobody can teach you how to think deeply and logically.
That is a willful decision.

Cheers friends,