What is occurring here is not inflation. We are told that inflation occurs when there is is an excess in the money supply and money circulation.
But how could this be when most people are struggling and not getting pay raises to match the rate of price increases? If there is too much money in circulation then it suggests that average people have a big wallet and are willing to pay above the normal rate for a good or service.
There may be more money in the hands of the rich, but if it's not in the hands of the people then its not "in circulation". According to what we are told about inflation the prices are rising higher and tuned towards what consumers are willing to pay with the increase of circulated money supply. If it is not with those consumers then we can't say that there is more money in circulation that is causing the price increases.
Just think about it. The narrative that there is too much money in circulation is nonsense.
What is actually occurring is artificial scarcity of energy, causing all prices to go up in all sectors. Electricity, gasoline, and other fuels have all seen sky high prices largely due to purposeful government regulation. The government is causing the crisis and are lying to us that it is inflation.
The question is, who is doing it and why. Keeping with Q mythos, I find it likely that the White Hats are using this as part of the "We must pass through the darkness, to reach the light" plan.
Have you forgotten how many billions have been printed and sent to Ukraine and Israel in the past few years? Also you're basically parroting the Bernie Boi "inflation doesn't exist, it's all price gouging" explanation.
If White Hats are in control then this is false and the money is somehow being redirected or repurposed elsewhere.
However, even if it is true that people are stealing money with corruption, it is still obvious that prices are not going up because we have too much money in our wallets and have too much to spend. There is not more money in circulation among consumers - this is a blatant falsity. The inflation narrative is false. Prices must be increasing for a different reason.
no, he's right. inflation is theft. the money is printed, and used for whatever purpose the government wants. because more money is being used by the gov't without anything of value being created, the cost of goods rises.
it's the same picture, except the money is not in our wallets; it's overseas and underground.
and i don't believe white hat control would preclude any of this... because the plan serves to wake people up and expose the corruption....and there must be a certain timing to it.
Inflation occurs when there is too much money in circulation among consumers. A few rich people hoarding/stealing money doesn't cut it. Since you accept that there is not more money in our wallets then you are suggesting that the inflation crisis does not exist and that the price increases are occurring through a different mechanism.
There are many ways for prices to increase through mechanisms other than inflation. The media and government are pretending that there is only one mechanism, dumbing down the public.