Shall we play a game? No Deals.
Watch the course over the next two weeks the panic level grow. The stupid or WTF moments of comments or acts made. The bells are tolling. They know it. We, the People know it. They know We the People know it and We the People know they know we know. The game is over. It's nothing but a clean up operation. Trump is isolated and protected. They will make a push to prevent DJT from inauguration and that's when the whole demonic Temple will collapse as the military swoops in and conducts lightning strike arrests/detainments. Many believe the truly bad ones have already been arrested, tried and executed and videos will be shown later of said actions. IF not, then it will happen. The best is yet to come!!!
Shall we play a game? No Deals. Watch the course over the next two weeks the panic level grow. The stupid or WTF moments of comments or acts made. The bells are tolling. They know it. We, the People know it. They know We the People know it and We the People know they know we know. The game is over. It's nothing but a clean up operation. Trump is isolated and protected. They will make a push to prevent DJT from inauguration and that's when the whole demonic Temple will collapse as the military swoops in and conducts lightning strike arrests/detainments. Many believe the truly bad ones have already been arrested, tried and executed and videos will be shown later of said actions. IF not, then it will happen. The best is yet to come!!!