140 GAW exclusive, *please* release my meme into the Wild. (first post) Use their programming against them. Sing it a couple times, and it will stick in their heads. They will even repeat it, even without the meme. --Thanks to Pepeta Win-house. (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 MEME ME UP 💩 posted 3 months ago by CoQ17 3 months ago by CoQ17 +141 / -1 31 comments download share 31 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I seen one this AM also a parody:
"I will not be vo-ting for ka-ma-la in No-vem-ber,
I'm gon-na make this an elec-tion to re-mem-ber"
To the tune of "The Macarena" Chorus, but with an AI trump voice, it was gloriouus.