10/21/2024 - Ally Carter (survivor of child sex trafficking) - Breaks Silence
A Major Arrest Is About to Shake the Nation!
Combine Anon Research Here
Ally says many "catastrophes" will happen to divert attention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzECAx-eeuc&t=17s
Previous video of Ally Carter: https://x.com/RedpillDrifter/status/1839893532355768445
I hope it's Barack and Big Mike.
I know Ally is right. I am as ready as I’ll ever be but I know I’m not ready in my heart. With that being said, you have to do it anyway and handle what comes so things can be dealt with. Btw we have had very little rain in the Northeast since the Spring. A warning for fires came out last week. As Ally said they will throw everything they can at us so think about what is vulnerable in your area and prepare for that.