The Largest Human Sex-Trafficking Operation in Texas History was just Broken up, Involving the Cartels and Nine Different Nightclubs 🙌
• Bora Bora Sports Bar
• El Flamingo
• El Cruzero Sports Bar
• El Rinconcita Night Club
• Koko Bongo
• La Condesa
• Las Margaritas Night Club
• Los Escorpionez #5
• Los Escorpionez #2
• This comes from a 10-year-long investigation the TABC arrested multiple criminals and saved at least 50 victims who were sex-trafficked and held against their will at the businesses.
The local authorities used to stake out strip clubs in Florida for a couple of years, and then bust a handful of people on a single night, for the nightly news to show. And then wash rinse and repeat, again for another couple of years at a different strip club. It seemed like a way for some to sit and watch women dance.
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The Largest Human Sex-Trafficking Operation in Texas History was just Broken up, Involving the Cartels and Nine Different Nightclubs 🙌
• Bora Bora Sports Bar • El Flamingo • El Cruzero Sports Bar • El Rinconcita Night Club • Koko Bongo • La Condesa • Las Margaritas Night Club • Los Escorpionez #5 • Los Escorpionez #2
• This comes from a 10-year-long investigation the TABC arrested multiple criminals and saved at least 50 victims who were sex-trafficked and held against their will at the businesses.
It took them TEN YEARS!?!?!? That's way too long, IMHO...
Right? How many kids died and were raped while they "built a case".
Talk about 'dragging your feet', just ridiculous!
I thought the same thing. One victim is one too many.
How many victims over ten years? How do you let that happen while you're gathering evidence? Seems criminal in itself!
The local authorities used to stake out strip clubs in Florida for a couple of years, and then bust a handful of people on a single night, for the nightly news to show. And then wash rinse and repeat, again for another couple of years at a different strip club. It seemed like a way for some to sit and watch women dance.
Just to make it look like they were doing something, when they really weren't.
Notice Hispanic names. Just a shame and such criminal enterprise.
Amen. Prayers for all the abused victims.