Architects are registered to the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland, their emblem included Britannia, the female representation of UK. The Royal Dublin Society. etc.
Our civil servants have been self serving for sale traitors since the formation of the “state”. Dublin is jersey wearing cess pit of corruption.
The entire system is designed for their benefit, which is why you rarely hear of “corruption”, and if some is found, the consequences are pathetic.
Truth. After all, in order to become a Lawyer, Judge, Attorney etc you have to Pass the BAR exams. The B stands for British. Make THAT make sense.....
We call them West Brits.
Architects are registered to the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland, their emblem included Britannia, the female representation of UK. The Royal Dublin Society. etc.
Our civil servants have been self serving for sale traitors since the formation of the “state”. Dublin is jersey wearing cess pit of corruption.
The entire system is designed for their benefit, which is why you rarely hear of “corruption”, and if some is found, the consequences are pathetic.