I wish I had an easy answer for you. If you still suffer any symptoms from long covid, I suggest a nicotine patch for 2 weeks. I suggest it because it worked for me, although my symptoms were different. Also because it's quite safe, low cost and simple. The theory behind it is that the toxic part of covid reproduces not only within the body where the body can eventually handle it, but also in the gut's microflora, which then functions as a continual source of reinfection. This leads to your body constantly trying to clear it out. Nicotine interrupts its life cycle in both the body's own cells and the cells of the gut's microbiome.
For the rest, I think it might be worth checking out the intro page at https://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/introduction/
I've found his theories to be correct in every instance that I've tested them. I found him after having rashes myself, and interpreting them as a herxheimer reaction, and looking up detox protocols to facilitate the elimination of the cause rather than treating the rash symptomatically. I proceeded with a slow detox and graduated up to his full protocol (SHP, for self-healing protocol). The rashes went away immediately and haven't come back. I've been following it for 7 months now, and have had improvements I didn't expect, like some clearing of age/liver spots, and supple healthy skin of my feet and hands where I used to routinely suffer eczema. Obviously do what works for you. Good luck.
I wish I had an easy answer for you. If you still suffer any symptoms from long covid, I suggest a nicotine patch for 2 weeks. I suggest it because it worked for me, although my symptoms were different. Also because it's quite safe, low cost and simple. The theory behind it is that the toxic part of covid reproduces not only within the body where the body can eventually handle it, but also in the gut's microflora, which then functions as a continual source of reinfection. This leads to your body constantly trying to clear it out. Nicotine interrupts its life cycle in both the body's own cells and the cells of the gut's microbiome.
For the rest, I think it might be worth checking out the intro page at https://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/introduction/ I've found his theories to be correct in every instance that I've tested them. I found him after having rashes myself, and interpreting them as a herxheimer reaction, and looking up detox protocols to facilitate the elimination of the cause rather than treating the rash symptomatically. I proceeded with a slow detox and graduated up to his full protocol (SHP, for self-healing protocol). The rashes went away immediately and haven't come back. I've been following it for 7 months now, and have had improvements I didn't expect, like some clearing of age/liver spots, and supple healthy skin of my feet and hands where I used to routinely suffer eczema. Obviously do what works for you. Good luck.