191 🧙🏼♀️Bewitched? NOT! 🧙🏼♀️Witches Claim They "Can't Cast A Harmful Spell On Trump!" (www.wnd.com) 🧠 These people are STUPID posted 142 days ago by PowderRoomPolitics 142 days ago by PowderRoomPolitics +191 / -0 SPOOKED! Witches complain they cannot cast harmful spells on Trump * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh There's no doubt that a morality foreign to America's Judeo-Christian foundation and longtime adherence is afoot on its shores today. 61 comments share 61 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Witchcraft is real, but not nearly as strong as prayers to God.
Amen! Greater is He that is in you (Believers In Jesus) Than he (Satan) that is in is the World!
Of the 'spirit cooking' variety it is, but the pagan LARPers on Reddit are just screaming while reeking of cat piss.