'We must not publish a study that says we're harming children because people who say we're harming children will use the study as evidence that we're harming children, which might make it difficult for us to continue harming children.' @JK_Rowling
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Sheer curiosity: were you ever in the military?
Reason I ask is because I never had allergies until I joined. The barrage of shots, the the yearly flu shot was the cause. My allergies were so bad I had to take a literal handful of pills just to function but ended up making me a walking zombie at certain times of the year. Added to that, the mandatory flu shots gave me violent flu within 10 days of getting it....for 24 years straight.
I retired in 2012, said no more fuckin shots of ANYTHING. Result: my severe allergies have reduced to mere inconvenience once a year and haven't had a cold or flu ever since.
Nope. And I only took ONE flu vax in 2006 or so and got the sickest I've ever been and swore off unnecessary vaccines .
My sinus attacks happen I guess when certain pollens are over a certain threshold and then once the attack is triggered, nothing can stop it. It's 2-4 days of the exact same "attack" every single time.
Having bedroom windows open when pine trees outside are releasing pollen? Boom 1 week long attack. No windows open? Usually won't get attacks more than once or twice a year.
No doctor, allergist, ENT, etc have ever solved my obnoxious attacks. Hate this shit
Ugh, that's rough dude. Pine pollen, however, messes up just about everyone when the trees are in thier pollination period. Covers everything in that yellow sticky pollen.