Between this and that pottery commercial it seems a smear campaign, that will fail, is being waged. Are our enemies making videos or pushing videos of Trump being "mean" and describing or titling them as the funniest or best thing ever and trying to say they're going viral as a revamp of the "mean tweet" tactic? I appreciate Trump's straight forward pearl -clutching enducing comments though I think it's odd now to see these popping up.
Between this and that pottery commercial it seems a smear campaign, that will fail, is being waged. Are our enemies making videos or pushing videos of Trump being "mean" and describing or titling them as the funniest or best thing ever and trying to say they're going viral as a revamp of the "mean tweet" tactic? I appreciate Trump's straight forward pearl -clutching enducing comments though I think it's odd now to see these popping up.