Not doom fren, it’s called being realistic. If you don’t believe that scenario can happen again you’re being way too optimistic. I believe we’re going to win in the end… but the final boss battle hasn’t happened yet.
If I believed the white hats might not win this battle I would have never stared on day one with Q. We are supposed to be helping normies to wake up, Trump does not play to loose.
Words have power, and saying it is all for nothing helps the other side.
why don't you spread your doom somewhere else. We don't believe it will be more of the same if you believe Q
Not doom fren, it’s called being realistic. If you don’t believe that scenario can happen again you’re being way too optimistic. I believe we’re going to win in the end… but the final boss battle hasn’t happened yet.
If I believed the white hats might not win this battle I would have never stared on day one with Q. We are supposed to be helping normies to wake up, Trump does not play to loose. Words have power, and saying it is all for nothing helps the other side.