This is my thinking as well. It has bothered me for a long time. That's why when I see Q saying "Clean and Swift" and "No Civil War" I get the sinking feeling that we are about to repeat the mistakes of the past. Those phrases remind me of the common phrase "It'll be over by Christmas" used to describe the beginning of The Great War (also known as The First World War).
Besides, if the cabal was truly that horrific, we deserve to know. We cannot stop this evil if we are unaware of it. Child sacrifice, child experimentation, adrenochrome harvesting, child sex trafficking, etc will be horrific to come out but people have dealt with this throughout the ages. For god sakes we have folklore written about this crap for a reason. If we are unaware of evil, evil will reign supreme. The cleansing (mass arrests) that Q wants to do is just that. A much needed cleaning only to let the whole thing rot again. And rot again it will. Not in our time, but in our grandchildren children's time.
The more we go through this movie, the more I see the old guard slowly being replaced by a new guard that is more benevolent towards us and nothing more. It reminds me of the new Matrix movie with the new machines overthrowing the old machines only to still have everyone plugged into the matrix.
Again, we are in "The Pause," but I'm not thrilled about the future as I was before. Q expects us to trust the military and I kind of do. I will stop trusting them if after Nov 5th, they do nothing still. Q wants this done by the book. Q wants the people to arrest the evildoers. That means local police and State police. You know, the ones who everyone think are also corrupt. If this is to work, you have to arrest the evil police at the same time as the rest of the mass arrests. You want the public to trust the outcome of these mass arrests and return to normalcy, clean the whole damn house.
I'm grateful that we haven't gone through WW3 and had a nuclear holocaust, but I wonder if that was necessary to arrive at our destination of real peace. By going around the whole truth, we will now arrive at WW3 with even more devastating weapons. This whole Q operation might just be to delay/stop WW3 in our lifetimes. To me, it will be postponed. In its postponement, we have now allowed the nations of the Earth to stock up and develop even deadlier weapons.
Q knows many of us will be so enraged that we grab our guns. People that made deals with law enforcement to snitch on the major players would not survive our rage. Sadly many innocent could be killed inadvertently by our rage. I have no difficulty with Q filtering information. We have clues about the big stuff. People are saying that they lied about everything. Reflect on EVERYTHING and imagine what could be different, different horrible for humanity? Our entire view of the world could be completely wrong. We could be living in a petrie dish and the aliens from other dimensions or outer space harvest us for food. Do experiments on us. What if they didn’t use an A-bomb on Nagasaki & Hiroshima, cause there wasn’t one. They were harvested. What happened to all the people on the airliners that supposedly crashed into the towers? What if low IQ to awakening is how life rolls in the universe to end then begin again? When you have a 40,000 foot view it’s not as gruesome.
This is my thinking as well. It has bothered me for a long time. That's why when I see Q saying "Clean and Swift" and "No Civil War" I get the sinking feeling that we are about to repeat the mistakes of the past. Those phrases remind me of the common phrase "It'll be over by Christmas" used to describe the beginning of The Great War (also known as The First World War).
Besides, if the cabal was truly that horrific, we deserve to know. We cannot stop this evil if we are unaware of it. Child sacrifice, child experimentation, adrenochrome harvesting, child sex trafficking, etc will be horrific to come out but people have dealt with this throughout the ages. For god sakes we have folklore written about this crap for a reason. If we are unaware of evil, evil will reign supreme. The cleansing (mass arrests) that Q wants to do is just that. A much needed cleaning only to let the whole thing rot again. And rot again it will. Not in our time, but in our grandchildren children's time.
The more we go through this movie, the more I see the old guard slowly being replaced by a new guard that is more benevolent towards us and nothing more. It reminds me of the new Matrix movie with the new machines overthrowing the old machines only to still have everyone plugged into the matrix.
Again, we are in "The Pause," but I'm not thrilled about the future as I was before. Q expects us to trust the military and I kind of do. I will stop trusting them if after Nov 5th, they do nothing still. Q wants this done by the book. Q wants the people to arrest the evildoers. That means local police and State police. You know, the ones who everyone think are also corrupt. If this is to work, you have to arrest the evil police at the same time as the rest of the mass arrests. You want the public to trust the outcome of these mass arrests and return to normalcy, clean the whole damn house.
I'm grateful that we haven't gone through WW3 and had a nuclear holocaust, but I wonder if that was necessary to arrive at our destination of real peace. By going around the whole truth, we will now arrive at WW3 with even more devastating weapons. This whole Q operation might just be to delay/stop WW3 in our lifetimes. To me, it will be postponed. In its postponement, we have now allowed the nations of the Earth to stock up and develop even deadlier weapons.
Q knows many of us will be so enraged that we grab our guns. People that made deals with law enforcement to snitch on the major players would not survive our rage. Sadly many innocent could be killed inadvertently by our rage. I have no difficulty with Q filtering information. We have clues about the big stuff. People are saying that they lied about everything. Reflect on EVERYTHING and imagine what could be different, different horrible for humanity? Our entire view of the world could be completely wrong. We could be living in a petrie dish and the aliens from other dimensions or outer space harvest us for food. Do experiments on us. What if they didn’t use an A-bomb on Nagasaki & Hiroshima, cause there wasn’t one. They were harvested. What happened to all the people on the airliners that supposedly crashed into the towers? What if low IQ to awakening is how life rolls in the universe to end then begin again? When you have a 40,000 foot view it’s not as gruesome.