This is something that has always bothered me too...Q stating they'd only give us partial truth instead of 100% of it.
Yes, Q claims the full Truth would send 99% to the hospital...but without full truth, transparency, and declas, then something is off IMO. What must the hidden truths contain that is so bad, the WH don't believe even anons can handle it.
I want it all.. the good, the bad, the ugly.
This is how mankind learns from our past. If anything is omitted, this leaves some cracks available for evil to lurk back into.
This is exactly how we ended up where we are, by not being 100% transparent and above board! No more hiding the truth behind the bs moniker of “classified”.
If it would send 99 percent to the hospital then what special powers do the "In the know people" have that allows them to continue in life. I think the problem is they know we would go take them all out ourselves. I don't even need help to understand how evil and vile they've been. Child torturers and baby eaters. Skinning babies and toddlers alive and doing the worst shit imaginable. If they gave us the proof theyed never have time to work this out before we destroyed all of them ourselves. We already know that abortion is wonton sacrificial murder and how seared in the mind theybare to even perform an abortion.
I believe that was said about what was going on in North Korea before DJT went there, something so utterly horrible that it could never be released to the public.
This was about the same time as a "nuclear factory" under a NK mountain was destroyed by an earthquake.
u/Mind_Your_7s Agree 100%!! "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" and all that. Though, I would assume Q means 99% of normies couldn't handle the truth.
If, however, they meant even anons, I struggle to come up with anything we wouldn't be able to handle. Like, if it came out that humans are actually alien hybrids or something crazy like that, I think we'd be able to handle that. 😅
Lizzid peepol man. I dont think we could handle that :p I get u though. All this craziness made me understand the Bible passage about spiritual wickedness in high places. That's the only logical explanation with all we've seen.
Could maybe also mean that the truth will not be given all at once, but slowly. Angry people do make mistakes, but if it all comes out slowly, one small part at a time, maybe taking a generation or two it would still change how people, especially the ones growing up while everything is slowly being released, I think. Might work better for changing attitudes of the whole population than a sudden reveal of everything, when some would refuse to believe, others would want to start lynching parties, others would lose their minds, which all would probably end in pretty non-productive state of chaos.
Yes, this. The hardened Police that had to watch the Podesta insurance file threw up. Most have since killed themselves, not suicided, real suicide. If hardened cops couldn't handle it the population wouldn't fare any better.
No, my imagination can sometimes be way worse than what they show me. I would like to say that nothing surprises me anymore, but I think that I have become numb to it all. I still cry; I still get angry and I still want to do violence, terrible, terrible violence to the perps. God willing, I will get to be the hand of God and administer the justice they so rightly deserve, but if not, I know God will have the final say.
We need to know. Those that were involved NEED TO BE MADE EXAMPLES OF. This must never, ever happen again. If it makes some people quezy - so be it. I know there is another side to this story, but frankly - I don't care. I know that might be selfish, but we need to know, at all levels that this is no longer happening and never will again. Leave the children and the elderly alone. Protect them and all life always. We need to analyze the snott outta this. How did this start? How did it at any level become acceptable and what needs to be done to cease it from ever happening again?
My idea is this - In the dumbs and secured areas, the evil ones have beyond depraved monsters terrorizing children (no older than 12) and extracting adrenochrome from these poor children. Skinning alive, chainsawing limbs off, de-facing, sharp objects under fingernails and WORSE. and this happens daily. The children are kept in places that are beyond horrible, they get no sleep, they are afraid and without hope... Imagine this and think 100 times or more worse. They need to tell us and the world.
For the children I think I can have some faith and patience for them. If it means more children saved and no new victims the white hats can have the time they need.
Oh dear Lord! It's heartbreaking to think about but horrifying to see...💔🙏
I think even we will be shocked to the core when the full truth comes out. It's horrific, like something from dark, ancient times.
We will never know.
They won't tell us.
This is something that has always bothered me too...Q stating they'd only give us partial truth instead of 100% of it.
Yes, Q claims the full Truth would send 99% to the hospital...but without full truth, transparency, and declas, then something is off IMO. What must the hidden truths contain that is so bad, the WH don't believe even anons can handle it.
I want it all.. the good, the bad, the ugly.
This is how mankind learns from our past. If anything is omitted, this leaves some cracks available for evil to lurk back into.
This is exactly how we ended up where we are, by not being 100% transparent and above board! No more hiding the truth behind the bs moniker of “classified”.
If it would send 99 percent to the hospital then what special powers do the "In the know people" have that allows them to continue in life. I think the problem is they know we would go take them all out ourselves. I don't even need help to understand how evil and vile they've been. Child torturers and baby eaters. Skinning babies and toddlers alive and doing the worst shit imaginable. If they gave us the proof theyed never have time to work this out before we destroyed all of them ourselves. We already know that abortion is wonton sacrificial murder and how seared in the mind theybare to even perform an abortion.
I believe that was said about what was going on in North Korea before DJT went there, something so utterly horrible that it could never be released to the public.
This was about the same time as a "nuclear factory" under a NK mountain was destroyed by an earthquake.
u/Mind_Your_7s Agree 100%!! "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" and all that. Though, I would assume Q means 99% of normies couldn't handle the truth.
If, however, they meant even anons, I struggle to come up with anything we wouldn't be able to handle. Like, if it came out that humans are actually alien hybrids or something crazy like that, I think we'd be able to handle that. 😅
Lizzid peepol man. I dont think we could handle that :p I get u though. All this craziness made me understand the Bible passage about spiritual wickedness in high places. That's the only logical explanation with all we've seen.
I think they will tell us, but not show us -- as in photos, videos, etc.
The visuals will be worse than your imagination.
Could maybe also mean that the truth will not be given all at once, but slowly. Angry people do make mistakes, but if it all comes out slowly, one small part at a time, maybe taking a generation or two it would still change how people, especially the ones growing up while everything is slowly being released, I think. Might work better for changing attitudes of the whole population than a sudden reveal of everything, when some would refuse to believe, others would want to start lynching parties, others would lose their minds, which all would probably end in pretty non-productive state of chaos.
Yes, this. The hardened Police that had to watch the Podesta insurance file threw up. Most have since killed themselves, not suicided, real suicide. If hardened cops couldn't handle it the population wouldn't fare any better.
No, my imagination can sometimes be way worse than what they show me. I would like to say that nothing surprises me anymore, but I think that I have become numb to it all. I still cry; I still get angry and I still want to do violence, terrible, terrible violence to the perps. God willing, I will get to be the hand of God and administer the justice they so rightly deserve, but if not, I know God will have the final say.
I hope they are least tell the American people.
It needs to be known though? How can they just say Sorry cant tell you when it comes to missing kids? Where are they?
I sure hope they do.
Yes...I know you're right... it's too dark for our souls to comprehend. 💔🙏🤬⚖️
We need to know. Those that were involved NEED TO BE MADE EXAMPLES OF. This must never, ever happen again. If it makes some people quezy - so be it. I know there is another side to this story, but frankly - I don't care. I know that might be selfish, but we need to know, at all levels that this is no longer happening and never will again. Leave the children and the elderly alone. Protect them and all life always. We need to analyze the snott outta this. How did this start? How did it at any level become acceptable and what needs to be done to cease it from ever happening again?
My idea is this - In the dumbs and secured areas, the evil ones have beyond depraved monsters terrorizing children (no older than 12) and extracting adrenochrome from these poor children. Skinning alive, chainsawing limbs off, de-facing, sharp objects under fingernails and WORSE. and this happens daily. The children are kept in places that are beyond horrible, they get no sleep, they are afraid and without hope... Imagine this and think 100 times or more worse. They need to tell us and the world.
Wow I didn’t even read yours and I said the same.
Without sounding repetitive....Its ALWAYS Been About The Children.....A Lot of people seem to forget this...🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
YES! 💔🙏⚖️
For the children I think I can have some faith and patience for them. If it means more children saved and no new victims the white hats can have the time they need.
You sure more time is saving them?
I'm not but if we can save more then I am all for it. I am not dying so I will be patient, even though it is hard at times.