Kamala is running an ad in Michigan that begins with a young woman recounting the sexual assault by her step father beginning at 5 years old and leading to her pregnancy at 12.
She then bemoans that if Trump is elected she wouldnt be allowed to murder her unborn child whose fault none of this is. They dont talk about the scourge of sexual assault, pedophilia and rape, or how these stories are becoming every day events, but whine that their right, their fucking right, to murder an innocent unborn child is being taken away by the Dobbs decision. So they are lying too because Dobbs doesnt do that but rightly puts the question back into the hands of the People of a State instead of the Feds.
Just had to get this off my chest.
The party of baby killers, Democrats care more about that than borders, the economy, inflation and a powerful military.
It would be Michigan. Witchmer needs those aborted foetuses from pregnant children like a starved rat needs a Skid Row dumpster.
Well said
Whatever happened to "2 wrongs don't make a right"? I also am disgusted by the desire to punish a child for the sins of the father. Many women report that the child conceived through rape was a blessing for their lives.
And on top of all that:
Trump says abortion has 3 exceptions:
-The Life of The Mother
So they’re complaining about Trump not allowing something that he is actually allowing.