Very different for me. Wait in line, get to the check in phase.
Present photo ID, poll worker checks computer that you are registered. She prints a document that verifies who you are, you are registered, and eligible to vote. She signed the document then had me sign it and told me to take it to the line to vote.
Next poll worker comes to you when a machine is empty and takes the document asks your name to verify the document then takes you to a machine. He then writes you machine number on the document and puts it with the other people's document.
Make your choices and press red button when done.
Here is the interesting part for me. When you press the red button a machine on the right of the selection panel prints what office you voted for and who you voted for to win the office. The machine tells you to verify your votes by pushing the red button. Push the red button and the printed verification of your votes is rolled onto the spool at the top so they have a printed copy of your vote that you verified. That printer uses rolls of "cash register" paper. Comes off the bottom and gets rolled onto the top spool. Its enclosed, you can read it, take a picture, whatever. But you cannot touch this cash register paper.
Push the red button again and your printed votes roll up to the top spool so they cant be seen. Your done. Poll worker was going to make sure I took my, as you put it gay, I voted sticker, walk out. All done.
1 day 1 vote 1 finger dipped in ink. Keep counting until it's all counted. That's another thing I never saw in my years, stopped counting at midnight. Not until DJT was on the ballot. If they stop counting they are cheating.
Very different for me. Wait in line, get to the check in phase.
Seems we should standardize it everywhere somehow.
Seems like each state has their own little tikes gimmick...
1 day 1 vote 1 finger dipped in ink. Keep counting until it's all counted. That's another thing I never saw in my years, stopped counting at midnight. Not until DJT was on the ballot. If they stop counting they are cheating.
Yep... India has the right idea