217 Jordan Peterson, on Elon Musk and Trump. Yes, he's Canadian (which of course he apologizes for), but, he's right. Anyone with more than two functioning brain cells knows that the fate of the entire free world rests on the results of this upcoming election (twitter.com) posted 138 days ago by catsfive 138 days ago by catsfive +218 / -1 22 comments share 22 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Round these parts we refer to him as Juden Peterstein…
James Delingpole did a good analysis a year or so ago… https://jamesdelingpole.locals.com/post/3191840/put-not-your-trust-in-jordan-peterson
J P Dismantled is a decent takedown… https://youtu.be/WXYuqrO8LLo
Although Vox Day’s Jordanetics is said to be exceptional… https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42507205-jordanetics
Here’s Vox 6 years after writing it: