I'm a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer with 22 years of service and at 19 years old I started learning how to be a flight engineer on the P3 Orion four engine heavyweight aircraft. I flew for over 20 years until I was permanently grounded due to excessive hearing loss. Ultimately I logged over 10,000 flight hours. At the pinnacle of my career I was the Top Gun instructor flight engineer and model manager for the EP3 Surveillance & Reconnaissance aircraft fleet and held a TS/SCI security clearance at the time. Now the good stuff: In August of 1980 we landed at a military base on Terecia Island in the Azores for an overnight stop on our way to Sicily to start a six month deployment. The Azores is a small group of islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean about 900 miles off the coast of Spain and was a regular stopover for many military airplanes at the time. My friend Tommy Breland and I both saw a UFO at only about 1500 feet directly over our heads while walking to the base club to get some food late that night after we landed and did our postflight duties. This craft was lenticular in shape and about 150ft wide in diameter and about 35ft to 45ft thick. It was orange, yellow, reddish in color and the skin of the craft had a strange glow to it. Suddenly the craft went to high energy mode and became a super bright white color right before it shot off into the Milky Way. It was a crystal clear warm summer night with no moon and for that reason I was able to watch and see the craft until it left the Earth's atmosphere and went deep into the Milky Way. I lost sight of it in less than 5 seconds. Think about that! DEEP into the Milky Way and was out of sight in less than 5 seconds from 1500ft AGL (above ground level)! It had jaw dropping aeronautical capabilities and there is no way mankind had that kind of technology back in 1980. We didn't even have personal home computers being sold on a large scale until years later and then cell phones came years after that. At the time I had 20/10 vision which means what a 20/20 vision person could see at 1000ft I could see just as clearly at 2000ft. I do not believe mankind has technology like that back then. No way. They are here, and I believe they have been visiting this planet for a very long time in my opinion; unless our government is hiding technology they created after stealing Nikola Tesla's scientific notes after he died from the rest of the world. Which is a real possibility too in my opinion.
It's been said we'll see our first over the oceans, just offshore and they'll just hover there for days on end while we get used to it...within the next 5 years.
Who knows...
I just hope people aren't every bit as stupid as I think they are going to be, expecting them to "save us"... and voluntarily handing over their power to them because they think advanced technology equals advanced spirit...
I'm a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer with 22 years of service and at 19 years old I started learning how to be a flight engineer on the P3 Orion four engine heavyweight aircraft. I flew for over 20 years until I was permanently grounded due to excessive hearing loss. Ultimately I logged over 10,000 flight hours. At the pinnacle of my career I was the Top Gun instructor flight engineer and model manager for the EP3 Surveillance & Reconnaissance aircraft fleet and held a TS/SCI security clearance at the time. Now the good stuff: In August of 1980 we landed at a military base on Terecia Island in the Azores for an overnight stop on our way to Sicily to start a six month deployment. The Azores is a small group of islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean about 900 miles off the coast of Spain and was a regular stopover for many military airplanes at the time. My friend Tommy Breland and I both saw a UFO at only about 1500 feet directly over our heads while walking to the base club to get some food late that night after we landed and did our postflight duties. This craft was lenticular in shape and about 150ft wide in diameter and about 35ft to 45ft thick. It was orange, yellow, reddish in color and the skin of the craft had a strange glow to it. Suddenly the craft went to high energy mode and became a super bright white color right before it shot off into the Milky Way. It was a crystal clear warm summer night with no moon and for that reason I was able to watch and see the craft until it left the Earth's atmosphere and went deep into the Milky Way. I lost sight of it in less than 5 seconds. Think about that! DEEP into the Milky Way and was out of sight in less than 5 seconds from 1500ft AGL (above ground level)! It had jaw dropping aeronautical capabilities and there is no way mankind had that kind of technology back in 1980. We didn't even have personal home computers being sold on a large scale until years later and then cell phones came years after that. At the time I had 20/10 vision which means what a 20/20 vision person could see at 1000ft I could see just as clearly at 2000ft. I do not believe mankind has technology like that back then. No way. They are here, and I believe they have been visiting this planet for a very long time in my opinion; unless our government is hiding technology they created after stealing Nikola Tesla's scientific notes after he died from the rest of the world. Which is a real possibility too in my opinion.
One of the few things left on my bingo card.
It's been said we'll see our first over the oceans, just offshore and they'll just hover there for days on end while we get used to it...within the next 5 years.
Who knows...
I just hope people aren't every bit as stupid as I think they are going to be, expecting them to "save us"... and voluntarily handing over their power to them because they think advanced technology equals advanced spirit...
It doesn't...at all...
Trump has been asked this in Multiple interviews, he obviously can not come right out and say it...So he refers to the Pilots that Have.
Hey we're almost up guys, land this thing so wae can go vote,,,,NCSWIC