I think you might be right, as no one knows the future. But, in saying that I think that if Trump wins we will see many riots-the Leftist/Commies will burn whatever they can and his second term will not be like the first, it may be much worse. (I think we all know how the Commies felt during his first term, they were hating life). As in all things in life we will see what transpires. I do know that this insanity (what the Commies are doing) has to end soon or we will be a country no longer; the land will be the same, but the governing principles will be very, very different.
I think you might be right, as no one knows the future. But, in saying that I think that if Trump wins we will see many riots-the Leftist/Commies will burn whatever they can and his second term will not be like the first, it may be much worse. (I think we all know how the Commies felt during his first term, they were hating life). As in all things in life we will see what transpires. I do know that this insanity (what the Commies are doing) has to end soon or we will be a country no longer; the land will be the same, but the governing principles will be very, very different.