Brian knocks it out of the park with this one. It's a really satisfying read.
Like a wizard or a warlock whose staff is broken, they gesture with increasing futility with their hands, speak the bewitching words with increasing fervor and anger, and nothing happens.
YOU did this.
YOU forced them into an unwinnable position in an Information War.
YOU broke their Censorship State [with a big assist from Elon!], and then you fractured their Fake News Media Matrix.
They tried to MARGINALIZE you, drive you out of sight, render you into a new class of Untouchables, and literally excommunicate you from American society.
YOU didn't back down. YOU didn't stop fighting them.
And in the end?
They broke their Machine trying to get it to spit out a working illusion that The Cackling Ditz No One Really Likes was top-shelf presidential material.
YOU forced them to do that.
Up until now, this so-called 'international elite class'—really just an organized crime syndicate—has been writing the script for the world to follow from behind a very thick curtain. They were able to stay in the shadows, out of sight, using their carefully selected and controlled puppets.
For decades, they were able to run their wars and conflicts, traffic their arms, drugs, and humans, and launder their obscene profits while stealing from the rest of us to keep it all going.
But then they lost control of the script. The world has stopped following what they write, what they decree will be so.
And they don't know what to do.
Like a whined up toy gone berserk headed for the cliff....they can't help themselves. They have zero awareness of what's really happening. They didn't see their demise coming. Bye bye jackasses. 🐸