posted ago by pnwhomebrewer ago by pnwhomebrewer +273 / -0

Dropped off my pretty much worthless vote by mail ballot. All we have here in WA State as we are owned by Bill Gates and other cabal assets.

For those of you in state’s with somewhat real elections get everyone out to vote.

Washington, California, Oregon and Colorado are mail in only fraud occupied territory.

Selfishly hoping for a contested or canceled election so we can have a real one conducted by the military for the sake of my state.

But regardless for any of you southerners, Midwest folks and those in swing states once this is over I would greet you as a liberator! With the finest Washington seafood, beer, wines, fine cheeses etc.

Ten’s of thousands of Patriots out here sick of being under the thumb of mail in fraud and Seattle politics. Give em hell for us!

Edit: I mean 3 times total. 2016, 2020 and 2024.