My AP History teacher in HS went to great lengths to explain the difference between a Republic and democracy and emphasized repeatedly that we were a Constitutional Republic.
The democracy propaganda went full retard during WW2 and the "Arsenal of Democracy" slogan. My college history classes emphasized Greece as the birthplace of democracy and extolled its virtues, linking America to those principles. Id argue with my professors thanks to that HS AP History teacher but with little luck.
We are fighting against at least 80 years of gaslighting here. Entire generations propagandized into understanding nothing else to the point that what a Republic is, isnt even understood any longer.
I tell people all the time that democracy is tyranny of the majority, of the 51 over the 49, describing it as two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner. Usually to blank stares.
Americans no longer understand how dangerous pure democracy is.
My AP History teacher in HS went to great lengths to explain the difference between a Republic and democracy and emphasized repeatedly that we were a Constitutional Republic.
The democracy propaganda went full retard during WW2 and the "Arsenal of Democracy" slogan. My college history classes emphasized Greece as the birthplace of democracy and extolled its virtues, linking America to those principles. Id argue with my professors thanks to that HS AP History teacher but with little luck.
We are fighting against at least 80 years of gaslighting here. Entire generations propagandized into understanding nothing else to the point that what a Republic is, isnt even understood any longer.
I tell people all the time that democracy is tyranny of the majority, of the 51 over the 49, describing it as two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner. Usually to blank stares.
Americans no longer understand how dangerous pure democracy is.