232 When all of this madness is finally over and done. White college educated liberal women. Can we take away their voting rights please? They’re retarded. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 113 days ago by AverageIdiotDoi 113 days ago by AverageIdiotDoi +233 / -1 85 comments download share 85 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
As a white single woman, I agree 100%👌Great statement... "What it needs are strong men who can get shit done without the drama."
Thank you for being one of the good ones, FGM. There's a lot more of you out there than most people realize.
Yeah, taking away your right to vote is a brilliant idea. This is dumb racist, divisive, sexist BS. I can’t believe I’m reading this from the good, smart people on GA!
Wasn't agreeing with OP, was agreeing with JackieDaytona🐸