95 There are a bunch of female Secretaries of State undermining our elections in the US, and she is one of them. (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 49 days ago by Dumbpassword 49 days ago by Dumbpassword +95 / -0 BRUTAL: Colorado News Anchor Shreds Jena Griswold on Live TV Over Voting Machine Leak Scandal — Presses Her on Potential Prison ... In a recent live television interview, 9NEWS anchor Kyle Clark put Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold in the hot seat over a scandalous leak of BIOS passwords linked to voting machines. 17 comments share 17 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Why are they always over confident talentless midwits?
The civil service in every country needs a complete purge.
I think because they know where their support comes from and they will continue to be "elected". I think that's why all the dems are blatant.