Bravo. Have been banging the drum for this for years and you're SPOT ON NB about this being "Cognitive Warfare".
Bots have been a key ingredient in convincing patriots that they are in a minority and convincing Leftist wackos they're the "normal majority". It's especially insidious given the psychology of your average Leftist which puts everything through a tribal consensus filter.
Now, obviously this particular element of their cognitive warfare has been a full court press using social media, cable news, newspapers, compromised polling operations, etc. But botting operations have been a huge part of it.
Going to request that the mods sticky this because of how important it is that people understand this particular psyop.
Bravo. Have been banging the drum for this for years and you're SPOT ON NB about this being "Cognitive Warfare".
Bots have been a key ingredient in convincing patriots that they are in a minority and convincing Leftist wackos they're the "normal majority". It's especially insidious given the psychology of your average Leftist which puts everything through a tribal consensus filter.
Now, obviously this particular element of their cognitive warfare has been a full court press using social media, cable news, newspapers, compromised polling operations, etc. But botting operations have been a huge part of it.
Going to request that the mods sticky this because of how important it is that people understand this particular psyop.