posted ago by GodBlessAmerica58 ago by GodBlessAmerica58 +47 / -0

In 2020 I went to an Internal medicine Dr. in the Philippines and then to an Emergency room regarding chest pain a few weeks later (I'd not told the Dr. about that afraid of the bill). So I explained my medical history and she sent me for a Lower Abs Sonogram, and 4 blood tests (Hep B&C) The Emergency room Dr. Did a EKG, a test for Kidney Failure, and If in a heart attack. He did a chest x-ray at my request since I'd been a smoker from 1970 until 1995. He also had me get an Echocardiogram. Then take the results to my Internal Med. Dr.

All these tests were same-day results, you pay cash, and they give you two copies, 1 for you and 1 for the Dr.

So 6 Blood Tests in Total, an EKG, an Echocardiogram, a Full Lower Abs sonogram, 3 Dr. Visits, an emergency visit, and the several meds prescribed by both 1 month supply. The Bill was just over 400 bucks in total.

Here in the USA you have no idea what the bill will be and test results come back days or even weeks later. You have to schedule Dr. visits way ahead of time, and I was lucky to get a Dr. apt. as a new patient with only a week's wait, the next appointment with the next available Dr. would have been January.

My test results from 2020 Slight Blockage of Right Ventricle, Swollen Prostate, Kidney stones (Thank God they come out relatively easy) A Gallstone(Not Blocking the bile duct), and fatty liver.

I work in Security and have to patrol, I patrolled extra last few years, I walked up the parking garage instead of down, then started doing laps up the two ramps. The last month (Aug) I changed to stair climbing. There are 1,508 stairs in total for the 3 sets of stairs. The last week I did a double set 3016 steps (Not all at one go)

I'm an old hippy cyclist, not a jock, and pedaled bicycles off and on since 2007, so my legs are strong. Climbing the stairs wasn't a problem and the cardio was good. Now I'm no longer working in that building due to SSA screwing me I quit until next year, but my company has paid me to work here and there for cash.

My plan is to go to the Dr. get the new med, and not go for the testing she may want where you don't know how much the bill is. Do the protocol, and start riding my bike. Then I'm going to the Philippines for a month in Jan. and I'll go to my Dr. there again and get a repeat of the 2020 tests.