You got it. Strong signal, you got it. Libs will lose minds (with MSM) and stupidly accuse him of cheating when he wins NY, NM, and MN. Full Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ensues when full audit shows he wins all 50 and possibly DC to boot.
BTW, Trump won both NM and RI as well as CA in 2020. I analyzed that data after going through WI results. NM Governor is cartel agent and possibly family member.
New Mexico is supposed to be solid blue. That Trump is there instead of PA or GA or WI tells you how big we are winning.
You got it. Strong signal, you got it. Libs will lose minds (with MSM) and stupidly accuse him of cheating when he wins NY, NM, and MN. Full Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ensues when full audit shows he wins all 50 and possibly DC to boot.
BTW, Trump won both NM and RI as well as CA in 2020. I analyzed that data after going through WI results. NM Governor is cartel agent and possibly family member.
I believe that, too!