My daughter went to this shithole school when we were stationed at Ft Belvoir. It's really not surprising. The couple dozen ap/honors students meet grade level proficiency 100 percent. The rest of the school was at 20 percent. They could care less about kids actually learning.
As a university professor, indoctrination is alive and well in academia-
they push an ideology, not science
approx 94% of faculty id as demoncrates
16% id as marxists.
How's that for diversity?🤡
Pull your kids out of that school IMMEDIATELY! They are grooming. Home school!
Been saying that for long time.
Nothing to do with education at all!
Brainwashing camps
Creepy AF
Gross me out.
This looks like some creature that Gandalf would banish in LOTR.
Lol, exactly. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!🐸
My daughter went to this shithole school when we were stationed at Ft Belvoir. It's really not surprising. The couple dozen ap/honors students meet grade level proficiency 100 percent. The rest of the school was at 20 percent. They could care less about kids actually learning.
Stop funding public ed.
As a university professor, indoctrination is alive and well in academia- they push an ideology, not science approx 94% of faculty id as demoncrates 16% id as marxists. How's that for diversity?🤡
Absolutely no diversity except for Marxism.
I need a mind wipe after seeing that
eye bleach.
Shouldn't he shave his armpits to help the delusion??
Why not just show them porn movies for cultural enrichment /s?
HEY, don't give them any idea.
Get the harpoon for that thing !
Howls. I agree.
Remove your kids from the school today.
Moby Dick