Complete perfection. Not about the trinity but about God Himself. 666 is about his arch enemy. One God , one arch enemy. One savior The Son of God and one gift of holy spirit we can receive.
They are not all the same. If God is Holy Spirit amd Jesus is God then whyndid he need to be baptized and have holy spirit descend upon him at a time when God said "this is my Son in whom I am well pleased". God isn't stupid He knows who His only begotten son is. Otherwise a good find.
He got baptized to "fulfill all righteousness". Remember He is also our High Priest. Just as the High Priest of Israel washed in the brazen laver so was Jesus baptized.
Biblically 3= complete; 7 equals perfection.
Complete perfection. Not about the trinity but about God Himself. 666 is about his arch enemy. One God , one arch enemy. One savior The Son of God and one gift of holy spirit we can receive.
They are not all the same. If God is Holy Spirit amd Jesus is God then whyndid he need to be baptized and have holy spirit descend upon him at a time when God said "this is my Son in whom I am well pleased". God isn't stupid He knows who His only begotten son is. Otherwise a good find.
He got baptized to "fulfill all righteousness". Remember He is also our High Priest. Just as the High Priest of Israel washed in the brazen laver so was Jesus baptized.