Used to save food and such a lot more. Realized eventually it doesn’t matter how much I stock up. I have no idea how things would go. I have now placed all my faith in God. If I’m to make it I will. If not, I’m good. If the Lord wants me to stock up again I will. But I won’t just for myself. If I have only 2 cans of food, I’m giving one to someone else who needs it. So I can’t stock up for myself anymore. And I can’t stock up for hundreds of people. Whatever happens will happen.
It’s decent actually. But I’ll be honest. I’m not gonna shoot someone for confiscation. I used to think differently, a few yrs ago. Just decided I’m not gonna kill for it. If the military backs up the deepstate, I would just die in a blaze of glory anyways. It goes back to my faith again. Hope it never comes to that. I can see many reasons to use lethal force if necessary. Like the NC child situation I heard about yesterday. But I can’t cling to my guns and have faith in God at the same time. One or the other, I have to place my faith in. I chose the Lord.
Overwhelming rigged machines isn’t really a strategy. We either have this, or we don’t. We’ll know soon enough. If we don’t is another conversation.
How's your stock pile looking fren
Used to save food and such a lot more. Realized eventually it doesn’t matter how much I stock up. I have no idea how things would go. I have now placed all my faith in God. If I’m to make it I will. If not, I’m good. If the Lord wants me to stock up again I will. But I won’t just for myself. If I have only 2 cans of food, I’m giving one to someone else who needs it. So I can’t stock up for myself anymore. And I can’t stock up for hundreds of people. Whatever happens will happen.
Maybe I phrased my thought wrong. How's your armory in your house
It’s decent actually. But I’ll be honest. I’m not gonna shoot someone for confiscation. I used to think differently, a few yrs ago. Just decided I’m not gonna kill for it. If the military backs up the deepstate, I would just die in a blaze of glory anyways. It goes back to my faith again. Hope it never comes to that. I can see many reasons to use lethal force if necessary. Like the NC child situation I heard about yesterday. But I can’t cling to my guns and have faith in God at the same time. One or the other, I have to place my faith in. I chose the Lord.