Firstly, against every instinct, he is very likeable. But most over-ridingly I don't see how he can be an effective Senator given the comprehension difficulties he has.
He does seem like a real person, was mayor of small-town PA and then was Lt Governor after first failed bid at the senate. But he dodged important questions which makes me think he is part of "the club"
"if I have $100mil to convince you that you are a terrible person..." but orangeman bad because the media and their millions of dollars say so...
go back and get better therapy, dude...
Good question, but I'm starting to believe that rogan took a deal pre-2017 to be on the good side and he did well, almost as well as Tucker and Elon
Re fetterman. He seems genuine but dodged many questions. Joe shut down the interview early even though fetterman wanted to talk about Israel. Anyone's guess
I did NOT have this on the bingo card.
Firstly, against every instinct, he is very likeable. But most over-ridingly I don't see how he can be an effective Senator given the comprehension difficulties he has.
What are they thinking with this guy?
He does seem like a real person, was mayor of small-town PA and then was Lt Governor after first failed bid at the senate. But he dodged important questions which makes me think he is part of "the club"
Have not watched yet but dis shuld b gud!
Joe is skewering this guy
"if I have $100mil to convince you that you are a terrible person..." but orangeman bad because the media and their millions of dollars say so... go back and get better therapy, dude...
Is he controlled opposition, or our own plant?
Good question, but I'm starting to believe that rogan took a deal pre-2017 to be on the good side and he did well, almost as well as Tucker and Elon
Re fetterman. He seems genuine but dodged many questions. Joe shut down the interview early even though fetterman wanted to talk about Israel. Anyone's guess
Is it the REAL Fetterman?
Kek I did watch it and it's worth a watch. Which fetterman it is, that's anyone's guess