Viva Frei famous Lawyer (and Colleague of Robert Barnes), has reached out to Peanuts owners and has offered them to tell their story. This is the tyranny that is escalating and will continue to escalate if Harris gets in. 12 police officers raided their home. They had their home searched for 5 hours and was even escorted to the bathroom and was denied the ability to feed their rescued ponies. This rescue sanctuary was set up in Peanuts name 7 years ago. On the lies of a nosey ‘Karen’, their home was raided and Peanut and his mate Fred the raccoon were murdered. BTW. You cannot catch rabies from squirrels. Bats and other night creatures yes, but not squirrels.
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That is dictatorship. Having the "right" - because they have the power - just to come into your home, take your pet, and then kill it.
Or deciding that it's illegal to rescue any wild animals, as it seems now. This is not the first case I have read about, one I remember was about a rescued injured or orphaned fawn a few years ago, so the government agency decides that since keeping a wild animal as pet was illegal in that state they went and just killed that fawn.
And it's not even just rescued wild animals. It could be pets that were legal in the past but have since been made illegal. I remember the case of a guy who had a very tame pet snakehead (fish) for 20 years. It was his baby. It was contained. He wasn't going to release it into the wild, ever. Once snakeheads were made illegal, the authorities raided the guy's house, took his pet, and killed it.
The gov likes to make an example of people who don’t fall in line.