The only fags are the ones they polled. Norwegian here, don't know how these polls operate in the US, but all EU countries have GDPR. Pollsters are not allowed to call or email anyone, you have to give consent and sign up for it.
This means signing up for a "polling subscription", just like with any other marketing, were it basically becomes a full time job participating in polls as you do dozens of them every day and get paid in breadcrumbs.
Now who do you think have time for that -> unemployed libtard city dwellers, who leech of the welfare systems, that's who. And who do you think they support? Not the one who want them to have a real job, I tell you that.
Keep that in mind from now on, any poll from any EU/EEA country is guaranteed to only have polled libtards. They never poll the real people. And it's the same thing "asking the man on the street", they never visit rural areas, only big cities. Heck journalists have been caught several times staging such interviews by having specific people "spontaneously" show up. Polls are fake and gay.
The only fags are the ones they polled. Norwegian here, don't know how these polls operate in the US, but all EU countries have GDPR. Pollsters are not allowed to call or email anyone, you have to give consent and sign up for it.
This means signing up for a "polling subscription", just like with any other marketing, were it basically becomes a full time job participating in polls as you do dozens of them every day and get paid in breadcrumbs.
Now who do you think have time for that -> unemployed libtard city dwellers, who leech of the welfare systems, that's who. And who do you think they support? Not the one who want them to have a real job, I tell you that.
Keep that in mind from now on, any poll from any EU/EEA country is guaranteed to only have polled libtards. They never poll the real people. And it's the same thing "asking the man on the street", they never visit rural areas, only big cities. Heck journalists have been caught several times staging such interviews by having specific people "spontaneously" show up. Polls are fake and gay.
true this