Any others out there?
I wonder if a cure doesn't exist for my disease, much like many others, that isn't propagated because it's not profitable.
Any others out there?
I wonder if a cure doesn't exist for my disease, much like many others, that isn't propagated because it's not profitable.
You are correct, just like curing cancer, no money in that.
True, the money spent on finding cures is real, they then take the info and try to get people to fear it. The Sun is a great example. Pharma has caused peoples sensitivity to the Sun. My Sister was so bad she had to dodge the Sun completely or she would start to burn immediately. Then the science fiction people say this is evidence we came from another world. I haven't burned in years, and I go out as long as I want, I took Astaxanthin, the stuff that makes flamingos pink, and I am pale skinned.