It's sad that some Americans unironically believe this will happen under President Trump's next administration. The mainstream media indoctrination and mass formation psychosis runs deep.
🧠 These people are stupid!

Okay, that comic does describe the smut part of Handmaid's Tale quite nicely, but when it comes to that book and why it became such a phenomena: it does combine several "woke" points brilliantly with that hidden on the surface sexual fantasy. You get the victim narrative, combined with the "bad religion and bad patriarchy", but those together would never have pushed the book into the success it became. The last ingredient, that sex fantasy, is probably what really did it.
I did read it in the 90s, and the damn thing is boring as hell. But for somebody who was indoctrinated as a modern feminist it does give the "permission" to read and imagine what it might be like to be something like that one in the sultan's harem who becomes a favorite over the more beautiful women because she can give him a heir.
All of what you said, but what pushed the book mainstream was Margaret Atwood changing the original concept of the novel (repressive regime based on the Ayatollah era Iran) to please her academic cohorts, and said cohorts giving her an award for it and pushing that book to the right people in the media.
It's propaganda from its inception, and like most award winning books, is juvenile and unreadable once you actually really read into it.
sex FANTASY is right and stooopid wym act like this is reality in their own lives!?!
They want it, maybe, on some level, because they are very not happy with their lives. So they pretend.