I don’t think the election gets out right stolen. I just don’t see what the purpose of that would be at this point. It would do nothing but demoralize people on our side.
For a while I was in the election will get canceled camp and we have a new one conducted by the military with paper ballots.
But if the plan is to awake the most people up I think the most likely scenario is a Trump landslide and the Dems try to block the will of the people. It would be impossible for people to ignore and cause a crisis in this country that the military would have to intervene. And has this crisis happens things get hot economically and geopolitically.
I could be wrong but I think that is the most likely scenario.
I can't see how many more people would be awakened by a stolen election.
I never thought this election would get cancelled.
But, I definitely can see how more people will be awakened if the election is a landslide for POTUS Trump, but the will of the people is blocked by the Left and they don't allow him to take office. Maybe this is the way the military will have to get involved?
I keep running different scenarios in my head.
I don’t think the election gets out right stolen. I just don’t see what the purpose of that would be at this point. It would do nothing but demoralize people on our side.
For a while I was in the election will get canceled camp and we have a new one conducted by the military with paper ballots.
But if the plan is to awake the most people up I think the most likely scenario is a Trump landslide and the Dems try to block the will of the people. It would be impossible for people to ignore and cause a crisis in this country that the military would have to intervene. And has this crisis happens things get hot economically and geopolitically.
I could be wrong but I think that is the most likely scenario.
I tend to agree with your likely scenario.
I can't see how many more people would be awakened by a stolen election.
I never thought this election would get cancelled.
But, I definitely can see how more people will be awakened if the election is a landslide for POTUS Trump, but the will of the people is blocked by the Left and they don't allow him to take office. Maybe this is the way the military will have to get involved?