I have 8 people working for me this year. Only 1 of them had ever voted. In 2020, I could only get one of them to vote, though the Lord knows how hard I tried. Six of them had never even registered to vote. All 8 are voting Trump.
Six of the eight are between 25 and 28. The other two are 50+. Two of the youngest are girls including the one I got to vote in 2020. The rest men.
I got a text a few minutes ago from one of the older guys. He said he was embarrassed as fuck at the polls. I asked why and he said when he was at the sign in desk he told the person it was his first time voting and the entire room began to cheer. I asked how many people were there and he said at least a hundred. Hahahaha
This is in Michigan.
way to go, Boss!