32 Guess they are gonna try. I maintain its far too big to rig. (media.greatawakening.win) 🖕TREASON! 🖕 posted 124 days ago by PaNix 124 days ago by PaNix +32 / -0 27 comments download share 27 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This is a tough one for them. They'd need all the ' uncounted votes', plus a few thousand additional. The bump would be so obviously corrupted.
DNC - Do it
They increased the vote pool in Nevada, was 93% counted and then dropped to 83%.
You're 1000% right, I screenshotted a bunch of different polls all showing 93% and now showing 84%.
Yep and notice the slow count in California, they will mess with that to get the popular vote.
Yea it would for sure scream cheating. I wonder if they have the balls at this point. Lol
The fact we're still up and discussing says yes, they do. I hope the poll watchers are able to do something about it!
Lol! See my alarm set? Im gonna be dead tm 🤣🤣
Oh definitely, and I have a long day tomorrow too 😂
I'm gonna need to clock out soon personally, praying and hoping something drastic doesn't happen when I wake up!