REPOST: "Edge of Tomorrow", released 6-6-2014 (U.S.) in honor of all the "un-killable" GAW anons and PDW patriots "Getting us off the beach." We have not made it this far in the simulation since 1828. We still have a dangerous trip through the "French countryside" ahead.

What is "the edge" of tomorrow? It is DAWN, where humans all "awaken" and "win,win,win" (Nessun dorma) another day to "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" (Q+) to push humanity forward against an ancient, evil enemy.
What is the nature of this ancient, evil enemy we face?
-Dr. Carter (Particle Physics Advanced Microbiology, former "top analyst at Whitehall" demoted to "mechanic with psychiatric delusions") with Rita Vrataski
Executive Producer Steve Mnuchin (Trump ally); FULL MOVIE: https://moviesjoy.is/movie/edge-of-tomorrow-19535 [Start watching at around 42 minutes if you want to skip some of the repetition done for the setup at the beginning.]
Alphas and Omegas are direct references to a fake, simulated reality that attempts to fool everyone into thinking that THIS artificial entity (AI-controlled, "alien") is a "god", just as our enemy is attempting to fool everyone into thinking that they (AI-controlled, fake entity) are our true god (lucifer). God is the alpha and omega, beginning and end, and all they can do is simulate a poor "replacement" to drive The People from Him.
-Revelation 22:13
The beginning and the end is represented as '10' which is typically God. The enemy likes to think they are "above God" with "their god (lucifer)" and so they use '11' implying they are "above 10 (God)".
1111 x 1.618M is roughly the human world population in near end of 2009 of 6.866B (6.898B, reportedly); possible recognition of the beginning of one Mini-Awakening "battle" that started that year (ref. Bitcoin release year); 11 is a cabal favorite number (1111 = 11 x 101); 1+6+1+8=16, might also be pointing to '16' (2016) as a marker for the start of a "battle to come". The "final battle" in the movie occurs in 2020 (disinfo is necessary?), after the 2015 "alien invasion from asteroid impact" that started it all (movie plot timeline tracks with Trump/Q timeline of 2015 "coming down escalator" if 2024 is 2020+4 as intentional misdirect of 'final battle'). Protagonist "Cage" is also 16 (C+A+G+E = 3+1+7+5 =16) and it literally means "to put in prison" or "capture".
"J Squad" could be "10 Squad" or "God's Squad" since J=10. There appears to be 7 of them led by the 'Angel of Verdun' (female warrior Vrataski) which is clearly a callback to Joan d'Arc with her "visions" and her "holy war" against the minions of satan engaged in child trafficking to the Turks and others, based out of Verdun (hidden history of the cabal?). Together, God + J Squad is 17 = Q.
Northeast France, the location of Verdun. The name means "strong fort" in Gaulish. Part of Joan's "holy war" appeared to be against child traffickers that had been operating for ~600 years (just like now):
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verdun [UNVERIFIED NOTE AND SOURCE]
This is much more than a movie poster tagline. This is very likely a simplified summary of our physical existence inside corporal bodies as spiritual beings. We may not remember our previous "tours of duty", but if our spirits are infinite, undying consciousness (our soul), then surely we (some of us current souls) have been here before, "on the same beach, fighting the same battle", so to speak. And this time (2024) we finally WON the battle and made it "off the beach" after losing the very same battle numerous times before in the modern era (1841, 1865, 1881, 1901, 1923, 1945, 1963, 1985, 2001, 2013).
A key masterwork that explores this idea: "Thinking and Destiny" 1946 by Harold W. Percival: https://thewordfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Thinking-and-Destiny-by-Harold-W-Percival.pdf
Note that a sovereign alliance that also "knows the future" is an "infinite player" that cannot be beat. How do we "know the future"? I don't really know at this point, but knowing "The Enemy Playbook" is effectively knowing "exactly what the enemy is going to do before they do it". This is an inverted projection in the movie with the fake 'Omega' that supposedly cannot be beaten. This is an inversion of OUR reality where humanity (7) with a little help (divine intervention) from the REAL Omega (10) beats lucifer (fake Omega, 11). God always wins, y'all, and He will not suffer mockery and false idols. God + humanity (J Squad) = 10 + 7 =17 = Q.
Some additional insight into the hidden meaning of this movie in relation to current events.
Badlands Story Hour Ep. 76: Edge of Tomorrow - 9:00 PM ET: https://rumble.com/v5759d1-badlands-story-hour-ep.-76-edge-of-tomorrow-900-pm-et-.html
Original post with all the excellent comments: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tegZRR0q/anon-theatre-edge-of-tomorrow-re/c/
EDIT: Obsolete link to full movie fixed.