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This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
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I am so relieved Trump won, yet I know the DS isn’t done fighting, not by a long shot. As I try to remain focused on my household, I am finding myself digging into MAHA. If you have any good natural remedies, cleaning recipes, etc. please share. We have hard water where I live and sometimes vinegar just doesn’t cut it but I hate pulling out scrubbing bubbles. I am also looking into xylitol for dental hygiene and would love to hear experiences or brands you all may use. Powder, mints, gum?
We are at war. We have decisively won the key threshold battle, the loss of which would have wiped us out.
The road ahead will be long and difficult. We now move forward with courage and confidence.
i brush my teeth with xylitol crystals, like you buy on the baking aisle... just sprinkle a pile on my toothbrush. Also chew xylitol gum a few times a week, keep some in the truck. My gums which had been receding for decades with pocketing are looking healthy and normal, teeth feel good after just a couple months.
try letting the hard water deposits soak in the vinegar longer, otherwise I use CLR or equivalent (some kind of acid). I assume Trump team and Q understand some of the advanced technology, psychotronics & scalar energy, i think we'll use it to create an alternate pattern, and let the oppressors choose to change.
Thank you for sharing! I heard about the biofilm/s. mutans effectiveness but wasn’t sure which method to try. The mints and gum sure can get pricey! Silly question, do you still also brush with a toothpaste, or just the xylitol now?
i rotate my brushing regimen, sometimes just xylitol, sometimes followed by sodium ascorbate or toothpaste, or sometimes just toothpaste if I'm in a hurry. In the past, I had great results with ultrasonic 'sonicare' toothbrush, but have not had one for 10 years - it really resolved the bleeding gums.
I have a health coach (biohacker) who I would class as a stable genius. He told me recently about xylitol for the gums.
xylitol breaks up biofilm. I also brush sodium ascorbate powder on my gums, a non-acidic version of vitamin c.
I've looked into various things to break up bio film and fungus throughout the body.
Try adding club soda to your white vinegar Dagny. I have an Aunt who only used that to remove the spots/stains from her off white carpet! Brush your teeth with baking soda (be careful of the brand) or do oil pulling with coconut oil. Research, I've read pro & cons for this.
Ooh, thank you, Joy! I will try this!
Good luck fren!
This is not over until we hit the precipice. Yet more moves left to play. Specifically Iran vs Israel. Saving Israel for the last.
Agreed, Fren.
Yes indeed...waiting for this!