...when will "White Hats are in control" mean that the MSM is finally reined in and turned into real news instead of the tool of the cabal?
Honestly, that has been the only question about the Plan that I cannot answer... why has the MSM been allowed to continue to be the tool of the cabal? I understand that people needed to see the MSM for its treasonous ways, butthereis a point of diminishing awakening (how many STILL voted for KH???) and we need unity.
So... I am curious to know what others think about the future of the MSM, and whether or not it will become a source of credible news? And, at the very least, will it be stopped from constantly undermining Trump?
But it can and will create a lot of division among those who still trust it.
Most of them are NPC' S they go with what they think is popular.
Maybe... I don't know. I thought the influential talking heads were controlled.
5% lost forever....