28 At last, it appears that the Party of Chaos got its fondest wish: it aborted itself in the 2024 election. “Joe Biden” was the coat-hanger it used:... (Kunstler) posted 100 days ago by Uncle_Fester 100 days ago by Uncle_Fester +28 / -0 Friday morning blog post from James Howard Kunstler. 6 comments share 6 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Kunstler using an abortion metaphor. Nice
I'm not so sure the abortion is going to extend to the House. Most of the remaining close races are in California and that is not the best scenario for us. Is there a brave numbers geek out there that can allay these concerns?
This site (270towin.com) has easy tracking.
Currently 9 toss up seats. D's 204, R's 216. 218 to win. Odds are in R's favor.
Thanks for trying but the link is empty.
I apologize. Not sure why that doesn't work, but thank you for letting me know.
The site is 270towin.com.