It would be the same story with ANY hat worn by a player in front of media. The NFL is very strict about keeping players from wearing any gear that isn't licensed by the NFL when representing the NFL. Normal protocol.
Too funny actually, although sacrifices are required in this real war. These gotta be "news" stories for the normies;
it's so ridiculous. Don't let these things get you emotional.
Sometimes honestly it’s a mistake , people have apologized in past saying damn I hit down instead of up , or sorry fat fingers etc I did it once and thought Omg
It would be the same story with ANY hat worn by a player in front of media. The NFL is very strict about keeping players from wearing any gear that isn't licensed by the NFL when representing the NFL. Normal protocol.
Too funny actually, although sacrifices are required in this real war. These gotta be "news" stories for the normies; it's so ridiculous. Don't let these things get you emotional.
Wow, the downvotes on this site now without a debate? Re-thinking this site. It's become click bait and reposts.
The negatives just mean you're over the target. You get even more if the rest of the thread is way off in the weeds.
Thanks EG, but wouldn't that mean shills?
Who knows? Someone wants to corral the conversation, but the motive's not clear.
Sometimes honestly it’s a mistake , people have apologized in past saying damn I hit down instead of up , or sorry fat fingers etc I did it once and thought Omg
Try pointing out something like the fine was 11 & 3 zeros, and maybe that's the real message.
Agree! Message meant for Anons too; 11.3. Double meanings.
People here can't debate. They're passive aggressive. They downvote and run.
Actual debating on forums went out with powdered wigs. {Or Voat, to be precise}
I'm sure we would all help him pay it if this is true....
Its a BS ruling but pretty sure he's not going to have any trouble affording the fine.
Just googled and he was awarded a $170M 5 yr extension, which equates to $34M per year.
He may have helped get more Trump votes by wearing it.
Worth it.
So does the NFL have an HR? Is this an HR violation?
They are forbidden to politicize inside stadiums. Probably at other official team or NFL events. Unless of course the NFL is sponsoring the event.