Jeff Sessions is the Ghost Behind the Machine
I did a lot of searches over the years for any news on Sessions, and not a word about where he is and what he's doing. I really liked Sessions. I only found old articles on him.
Bannon told a story when Sessions recruited him to be on Trump's team in 2015. Bannon said something to Jeff, well if it doesn't work you'll still have your Congress Job.
Jeff answered Bannon,no one in government wanted me to do this, you don't understand what I've given up to support Trump, I will never be around or in the government ever again, if this fails.
But Trump has to be elected, I was very aware, I will be destroyed backing him, but it's worth it.
Bannon also said: Sessions was working on very important projects and investigations day and night, that very few knew about. When Trump "supposedly fired him", no info was even known what that work was. Did Trump really fire him?
Was Bannon, Sessions and others were and are still working behind the scenes?
New video posted by Ezra PN
21949676 @EzraACohen The boys and girls at 4th POG have released another hit.
*Year after year, children and adults alike are baffled by the mystery of how Santa really knows who's been naughty or nice. After much urging by the elves and Mrs. Claus, Santa has allowed his biggest secret to be revealed in The Elf on the Shelf:
JesusPatriot, find the video of Sessions slapping Joe Biden's hand away from Sessions granddaugher and you will see he is not a weak man at all. He has strong character and is a very strong man. I understood that he was working on all of those 500 thousand + sealed indictments and he was also in charge of overseeing the Gitmo renovation. I think all of this was in the earlier Q drops.
I had forgotten that. I had watched that over and over just for the laughs!
Sessions is tough as nails.!
There are more posts about it but essentially, he brought down Epstein while Trump put on an act of raging at him for "doing nothing" to keep the black hats off their guard.