Pretends via virtue signalling they're tolerant "Hate has no home here" et al
The party of murdering babies, KKK, Eugenics
All the hallmarks of an unenlightened, low vibration animal/creature, clinging tightly to the old world - kicking and screaming, rather than surrendering to the inevitable.
They're running out of rocks and tunnels to hide in as the LIGHT burns up the darkness.
It's notable how the left is:
All the hallmarks of an unenlightened, low vibration animal/creature, clinging tightly to the old world - kicking and screaming, rather than surrendering to the inevitable.
They're running out of rocks and tunnels to hide in as the LIGHT burns up the darkness.
Heaven or Hell - the choice is theirs.
"They're running out of rocks and tunnels to hide in"
No where to run, no where to hide!
They deny Nature, biology, and Nature's God. There is no place in the Universe they can hide! HA!
We need to keep the pressure on them!!
They are broken, and they need to learn where to find solace. They need to be memed relentlessly, until they HAVE NO WHERE TO TURN!! but to the LORD!
Even the 4-6% when they are broken completely, will turn to the Lord, or rejoice in Satan.