Be sure to keep praying for him and his family. More than one prophet, over the last 3-6 months, have prophesied that there is a 'Judas' in his inner circle. Prophets don't listen to the news or to each other as they want the channel between them and God to be pure and unclogged. So deep state may still have someone hovering. For Ivanka's sake. I hope it's not Jared!
Be sure to keep praying for him and his family. More than one prophet, over the last 3-6 months, have prophesied that there is a 'Judas' in his inner circle. Prophets don't listen to the news or to each other as they want the channel between them and God to be pure and unclogged. So deep state may still have someone hovering. For Ivanka's sake. I hope it's not Jared!