Ketamine should never ever be made illegal (ketamine hcl). It cures depression and it halts 50% of opioid addictions. Methadone should be replaced with ketamine therapy, universally. IV ketamine is a massive dissociative psychedelic (khole) but that experience is necessary for the neurochemical changes that are useful to achieve the medical target modifications.
Ketamine needs to be explored for treating ischemic stroke, other strokes, aneuryisms and other neurological physical illnesses.
DMT -- plant based, ayahuasca, etc
Cactus based psychedelics
Legalize some psychedelics (above) in religious and psychiatric contexts; require certification. Pharma should NEVER be able to take over natural substances. Codify in law or possibly an amendment. Pharma shall never ever own plants and fungi. God holds the patent.
The following should be made illegal to a degree that a death sentence is given for making them and selling them (but not possessing personal amounts or using):
Crack Cocaine
Fake Opioid pills
Fenanyl, Carfentanyl, other analogues of Fentanyl
"Flakka", "Crokodil", and other trash constructs of the above.
Bromodragonfly and other designer synthetic psychedelics that cause permanent problems.
Make the following federally decriminalized
Legalize some psychedelics (above) in religious and psychiatric contexts; require certification. Pharma should NEVER be able to take over natural substances. Codify in law or possibly an amendment. Pharma shall never ever own plants and fungi. God holds the patent.
The following should be made illegal to a degree that a death sentence is given for making them and selling them (but not possessing personal amounts or using):
These should be treated as terrorism